Thursday, July 17, 2014

wholesale banking / corporate banking in india

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wholesale banking 

Banking products or services for and between merchant banks and other financial institutions is called as a wholesale banking or in other words corporate banking (not co-orporate).
in Retail Banking we observe that retail banking deals with individuals at the same point, whole sale banking or corporate banking deals with larger institutions such as companies, big corporates.
wholesale banking notes products

wholesale banking products and services in india

generally bank manages funding services, stock broking, forex, derivatives, treasury research and management, global trade services, cash management services, financial advisory and maintenance services to their corporate clients. do note that there are too many services in wholesale banking, as retail banking is for common public and wholesale banking is for big fellas, thats the reason most of the people do not know about wholesale banking services.
bill discounting, working capital finance, short term - long term finance, letter for credits, bank guarantee, collection of documents, money market, real time gross settlement, channel financing, reimburesement accounts, public issues etc. there are many names in whole sale banking.

about Retail Banking in india


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