Thursday, May 29, 2014

SBI Syllabus Clerk 2014 Online Preparation Books And Materials

SBI Clerk Notification
SBI Syllabus Clerk 2014 State Bank Of India - SBI Clerk Recruitment 2014 has been announced few days ago, now SBI Clerk Preparation and Which kind of questions going to ask in SBI Clerks examination 2014 has rounded on candidate's mind. We will Give you 100% Preparation guide of SBI Clerk Exams 2014 here. Find out the best books, Syllabus materials, shortcuts and tricks of SBI Clerk 2014.

This Examination will be based on Online. so SBI Clerk 2014 going to be online computerized examination. now find out the total details of sbi clerks 2014 which includes syllabus, preparation guide books and materials.

------->>>>> How to Prepare for IBPS Clerk Exams <<<<---------

SBI Clerk Syllabus 2014

Obviously there are five main portions in any clerk examination which is 
-> Reasoning (direct link to learn online)
-> Aptitude (direct link to learn online)
-> General Knowledge / Awareness / Computer (direct link to learn online)
-> English (direct link to learn online)
-> Marketing Aptitude 

200 marks of questions will be asked of reasoning, Aptitude, GK, Computer, English, and Marketing Aptitude. each of the following portions would contain 40 questions and 40 marks. now have a look at on brief details about sbi clerk 2014 syllabus.

Reasoning has two parts verbal reasoning and non verbal reasoning. we have included direct links above to learn online and we have enough materials which have shortcuts and easy methods to solve and save your time in any clerk examination. following reasoning chapters are main in previous sbi clerks examination papers.

-> Coding & Decoding
-> Blood Relations
-> Statement & Conclusion
-> Analogy
-> Ranking Test
-> Directions        
-> Alphabets
-> Finding the missing figure 

kindly note that we have covered all the information regarding following chapters in our website you can follow our reasoning page.


-> LCM & HCF
-> Profit & Loss
-> Time & Distance
-> Time & Work
-> Speed & Distance
-> Simple Interest
-> Compound Interest
-> Probability 
-> Data Interpretation 
-> Partnership
-> Squares
-> Cubes
-> Percentages
-> Average 
-> Demicals


-> Error Solution
-> Tenses 
-> Fill the blacks
-> Synonyms 
-> Sentences Improvements
-> Antonyms 
-> Comprehension 
-> Corrections

General Awareness

-> Awards 2014
-> Economics
-> Loksabha Elections 2014
-> Current Events
-> Places & Peoples in news
-> Sports
-> Event Dates
-> Science
-> Internet
-> Basic Computer Questions
-> Hardware related questions 
-> MS Office 
-> Shortcuts of computer
-> OS uses
-> Networking questions
-> Shortnames 
-> International Events
-> Who's Who

so these are the main chapters that students have to work out if they want to secure cutoffs in sbi clerks 2014 examination here is the best books available for Clerk Preparation.

SBI Clerk 2014 Books and Materials 

if you are serious about preparation of SBI Clerks 2014 and you want to really practice hard and don't wants to go in tuition classes then here are the best ever books to buy for any clerks examination. try to expend 1000/- rs minimum for your future practice scenario and career.

Reasoning Books & Materials 

SBI Clerk 2014 books
A MODERN APPROACH TO VERBAL AND NON VERBAL REASONING Revised Edition Best Ever book to prepare for Reasoning. almost 90%+ Questions asked in several examination such as IBPS, SBI & SSC from this book. Cause this book contains almost all kinds of patterns, shortcuts, syllabus of reasoning.

Aptitude Books And Materials 

Maths data interpretation tricks
Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations 24th Edition is one of the best book to prepare Aptitude Lessons for Clerk Preparation. this book will Contain all the chapters of SBI Clerk 2014 examination.

This book is divided into two sections. The first part covers arithmetical ability. The second part covers Data Interpretation. The first part begins by taking a look at Numbers, Average, Percentage, Decimal Fractions, H.C.F. and L.C.M., Square Roots and Cube Roots.

Buy This Awesome Book Now

General Knowledge Books 

India 2014 : Best Book for Indian Policies The book is like an annual digest, which covers the progress of India in different fields. The book covers all areas of development like economics, sports, mass communication, science and technology, art and culture, health and defence. This book is essential for students applying for the various competitive exams.

English Preparation Books 

Objective English for Competitive Examinations 4th Edition is the best books to prepare any clerks as well as Po examination in india. 

Buy this book now

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