Prepositions Sometimes made us 5 marks in to correction questions of english grammar in government competitive exams, specially in IBPS, Bank Po and SSC exams always include Prepositions quiz in english to know skills of candidates. So first question coming in to mind is what is Prepositions? here is the answer
the world which takes "Pre" "position" known as preposition. lol this is not a definition, Preposition means "a word governing a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element in the clause is called preposition"
generally in "Hindi" and in "gujarati" prepositions comes after a pronouns. but in english grammar prepositions comes before a pronouns. here is hindi and gujarati name of both.
prepositions = "NaamYogi Avayav"
pronouns = "Sarvanaam"
here is the examples of prepositions in english grammar.
fishes swim in water (machhaliya pani mai tairti hai)
there are more than 150 prepositions in english grammar to use, but all of them have different scenario to be used where and when in between pronouns. lets see first of all howmany popular prepositions are there.
the world which takes "Pre" "position" known as preposition. lol this is not a definition, Preposition means "a word governing a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element in the clause is called preposition"
generally in "Hindi" and in "gujarati" prepositions comes after a pronouns. but in english grammar prepositions comes before a pronouns. here is hindi and gujarati name of both.
prepositions = "NaamYogi Avayav"
pronouns = "Sarvanaam"
here is the examples of prepositions in english grammar.
fishes swim in water (machhaliya pani mai tairti hai)
there are more than 150 prepositions in english grammar to use, but all of them have different scenario to be used where and when in between pronouns. lets see first of all howmany popular prepositions are there.
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list of prepositions
1. aboard
2. about
3. above
4. across
5. after
6. against
7. along
8. amid
9. among
10. anti
11. around
12. as
13. at
14. before
15. behind
16. below
17. beneath
18. beside
19. besides
20. between
21. beyond
22. but
23. by
24. concerning
25. considering
26. despite
27. down
28. during
29. except
30. excepting
31. excluding
32. following
33. for
34. from
35. in
36. inside
37. into
38. like
39. minus
40. near
41. of
42. off
43. on
44. onto
45. opposite
46. outside
47. over
48. past
49. per
50. plus
51. regarding
52. round
53. save
54. since
55. than
56. through
57. to
58. toward
59. towards
60. under
61. underneath
62. unlike
63. until
64. up
65. upon
66. versus
67. via
68. with
69. within
70. without
there are the most important prepositions which generally questioned on competitive examination.
now lets find out shortcut and tricks to use perfect preposition for better scoring.
In & Into
use "IN" on sentence which mentioning Motion or position. but if sentence mentioning a motion which is inside from outside, then use "InTo".
See the below example.
- fishes swim in water
- i live in this house
- the lion jumped into the wall.
- ria entered into a classroom.
from & out of
there is one certain thing to use "from" when there is any chances of "Where". out of is used on "motion which is mentioning outside from inside. lets see below example.
- Do you come from mumbai ? (where )
- He comes from Mumbai. (where)
- The lion came out of the cage. (although we can use "where" but lion is coming outside from inside so we have to use "Out Of")
find out more prepositions uses on pdf click here to download pdf file.
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